Orvis leaders signing the “Now or Neverglades” declaration. From left: president Bill McLaughlin, CEO Perk Perkins, brand director Simon Perkins, product developer Charley Perkins. Not pictured: Dave Perkins, executive vice-chairman
From Orvis:
This is the week that the national media have finally started reporting on the incredible algae blooms along both Florida coasts, although a call to action started to go out as early as February. The cause of this disaster is discharges of untreated fresh water from Lake Okeechobee into the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie estuaries. Traditionally, this water flowed southward, through the Everglades.
Organizations such as bullsugar.org and Captains for Clean Water—grassroots organizations led by concerned citizens and members of the sportfishing industry—as well as Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, the Everglades Foundation, and Audubon Florida have been demanding that the state of Florida acknowledge indisputable science and work toward real solutions to the water crisis. To that end, bullsugar.org launched the “Now or Neverglades Declaration” this morning, as a means for collecting signatures of concerned citizens from around the world to put pressure on Florida politicians to do the right thing.
Says Orvis CEO, Perk Perkins:
You might say “Why now? The Everglades problem has been there for decades.” One thing I have learned in my 40 years of conservation is that timing is crucial and when the time is right, go as hard and fast as you can to get it over the finish line. On the Everglades there is an alignment of stars over the next nine months and now is the time to apply your resources. Recent unusual weather patterns have dramatized the issue. Media is picking up a tail wind in our favor. The elections have politicians listening. The money is there. The right players have seats at the table. “Now or Neverglades” – this is the time to be heard and support. That is why Orvis has put Now or Neverglades at the top of our list.
Orvis urges everyone to join the fight and sign the declaration to save this irreplaceable national treasure. Both people and organizations can read the declaration and sign it here : http://gladesdeclaration.org/
For further information, contact Tom Rosenbauer at [email protected] , 802-362-8521)
About Orvis
The Orvis Company is the oldest direct marketing business in the world, and began in 1856 by selling fly rods through the mail. It has made fly rods continuously since then in its Manchester, Vermont Rod Shop. The company has always been a leading innovator in fly-fishing technology, and designs and sells the world’s most complete line of rods, reels, lines, waders, leader, tippet, flies, and outdoor clothing. Orvis owns over 75 retail stores throughout the US and the UK, and also has a worldwide network of authorized independent fly shops.