Land Tawney – New Executive Directory for Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
From BHA:
BHA has some BIG NEWS – We’ve hired longtime Montana conservation leader Land Tawney to be the organization’s new Executive Director.
We are very excited to have a sportsman of Land’s caliber and experience take the helm of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers. Land exemplifies the boots-on-the-ground conservation ethic and passion for the outdoors that makes Backcountry Hunters & Anglers special.
Land’s first day on the job is May 13. Land has a proven track record leading sportsmen, building organizations and advancing policies that protect America’s backcountry, fish and wildlife. Land lives in Missoula, Montana, and will open an office there.
Land is leaving his post as Senior Manager for Sportsmen’s Leadership for the National Wildlife Federation. There, he played a key role in organizing sportsmen at a national level on a host of issues benefiting hunter and angler access, habitat protection and restoration. Most recently, his efforts helped make sure that $15-20 billion in damages from the Deep Horizon oil spill disaster went to restore wetlands vital for the nation’s migrating waterfowl.
We’d like to thank the volunteers of the search committee who put in long hours and many miles in this challenging process. We had a lot of great candidates to sort through. The search committee was made up of Larry Fischer and Sean Carriere, both of Boise, Jock Conyngham, of Missoula, Ed Putnam, of Bend, Oregon, John Gale of Boulder, Colo. Also, we would like to thank Holly Endersby, who pulled double duty as our Interim Director.
If you’ve any questions, please contact Holly or us. Land will soon be hitting the road, meeting as many of you as possible in person.
Meanwhile: Welcome Land Tawney!
Ben Long and Joel Webster, Board Co-Chairs
[email protected]
Fundraising organizers are realizing that in order to complete the event with a significant amount of raised revenue, it must be run as efficiently and resourcefully as a business. Websites, online payment capability, and electronic payment processing are three key factors that can help overcome many of fundraising’s obstacles. ‘`
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Fundraising through various activities as sales, silent auctions, walk-a-thons, races, or entertainment events is a popular revenue generator for charitable and non-profit organizations. However, quite a few obstacles exist in the pursuit of running a successful fundraiser, including lacking or overworked volunteers, limited payment methods, limited reach, and overall process inefficiencies.”‘
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