TU seeks applicants for the Jeremy Brooks Memorial Internship


If you know a young person who is interested in the outdoors, fishing and/or conservation as a possible career path, and you think they might want a really fulfilling summer job where they will get their boots wet, have them learn more about the Jeremy Brooks Memorial Internship from Trout Unlimited.

The Jeremy Brooks Memorial Internship is awarded annually to an undergraduate or graduate student pursuing a career in river conservation or related field.  It was established in 2019 in honor of Jeremy Brooks, a passionate fly angler and conservationist whose life was cut tragically short when he was killed in a plane crash en route to his dream job as a fly-fishing guide on the Ponoi River in Russia. Jeremy graduated from Colorado College in 2018 with a degree in environmental science and a minor in philosophy. The internship is made possible by funds generously donated through the Jeremy Brooks Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Who can apply:  Students currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program, who display a passion for fly-fishing, a strong conservation ethic, and a desire to give back to their community.

What is provided:  A monthly stipend for a two to three-month summer internship with Trout Unlimited.  Recipients enrolled in an undergraduate degree program are awarded $1,000 per month, and those in a graduate degree program are awarded $1,500 per month.

Where is it based:  In a Trout Unlimited field office, the specific location to be determined based on field needs and candidate preference.

Learn more at [email protected].


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