The end of an era… Field & Stream/Outdoor Life to be digital only


How many of you grew up reading the classic fishing and hunting tales in Field & Stream and/or Outdoor Life magazine?

Yesterday, ld ., a Swedish-owned media company—announced it had sold its New York-based titles, including Field & Stream and Outdoor Life, to the private equity firm North Equity.  North Equity focuses on digital media.

Sadly, this means the end of print issues for both Field & Stream and Outdoor Life, as well as staff layoffs  among those who produced the most iconic outdoor media brands in the world.  Sign of the times… but surely disappointing.

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  1. Ricky Tillman on

    I am disappointed that Field and Stream and Outdoor Life are no longer going to be published. I feel for those that no longer have jobs. Since I had subscriptions and they just stopped being received with no notice that I can recall I can’t help but feel that the seller/buyer have missed out on an opportunity to continue a relationship with their members.

    • Douglas Borgaro on

      I also feel very disheartened at the end of such a great era. Outdoor Life was a guiding light to me and my grandfather for so long. I remember the incomparable Jack O’Connor and so much history. Many other great sportsman contributed to this as well. Not all change is positive or favorable. What we have lost can’t truly be replaced. Like the author Thomas Wolfe once wrote, “You cant go home again.”

  2. John Harkins on

    Been wondering where my Magazines have gotten off to, now I know. Will there be any Reimbursement for all of the years coming to me ? I looked forward to seeing my magazine every month, then every 3 months, now finding out ” too bad, so sad “. That kinda just SUCKS.

    • d.g. van arsdale on

      Born in 1948 and for decades after I subscribed to both Field&Stream magazine print and Outdoor Life magazine print which were so helpful IN STATE ONLY. When I grew up and traveled OUT OF STATE with no resident legal rights, then the BIG SECRET of RAMPANT OUT OF STATE FISHING AND HUNTING FRAUD appeared !! This is a big industry, 1 million subscribers to each magazine like F&S, yet they DISHONESTLY NEVER TALK ABOUT THE HUGE RISK OF FISHING OR HUNTING OUT OF STATE, like in Alaska, Oregon, Wyoming, and Colorado! Dad retired and we both lost many $1000s to fraudulent Outfitters!! Beware, and Stay a Resident with legal recourse!!

    • Juan Caban on

      I grew up reading both magazines among other outdoor magazines, being born and raised in the city, both magazines gave me a taste of the great outdoors. I would often dream being with the author’s of the articles while they were fishing or hunting.

      • Wayne Peplinskie on

        The move to just digital is a tragedy for the faithful readers of both these magazines. My father, of a generation and temperament that didn’t like to read much in favour of being out in the field fishing, hunting, teaching and living the life the author’s spoke about in their stories, has enjoyed each magazine that made it to his house. These were gifts to him and related and sanctified a life well lived, a shared experience we are sadly losing as interest groups attack our history, our legacy and our way of life. Losing these magazines is like losing a friend in some ways. I would read his copies when I visited, but now instead we share stories of our adventures. The new generation has been taught it’s vulger to hunt or trap and wrong to use a gun as a tool or to wander into the back country with a knife and your wits for the weekend. The rules and laws of the Europe we emigrated from have found there way here to choke the freedom of action and common sense out of us. Sadly, as our cities grow, our wild world shrinks, as does our reverence and care for it. Magazine such as these could have at least saved some kids by being there for reading in a quiet corner during a time out, and linked them to their ancestors, the people whom built this country and knew the truths of life in nature. The silver lining for those of us left behind by the digital river is that there will be fewer people out in the wild, allowing us bigger spaces in which to wander and wonder. Please take good care of yourselves and thank you for all the amazing years of celebrating the life many of us cherish. w.

  3. Herod Lowery on

    I was born in 1955 to a World War 2 combat vet. My dad was the greatest outdoorsman ever. Yeah, I know every kid says that but he was the best.

    Part of my growing up hunting and fishing with my dad was reading Outdoor Life and Field and Stream in the 1960s and ‘70s.

    I’ve been wondering where they went, of course I’d sent my renewal in long before I found out the mags are no more. What a shame.

    • Larry Puccio on

      Loved stuffing an old edition in my backpack and reading in places the internet does not reach. You have done a grave disservice not only to your current readers, but also the future outdoorsmen and outdoors women you preach that we need. Don’t need any more screen time. One less reason to check the mailbox.

  4. Jerald Jones on

    I have been a subscriber and loyal customer for over 55 years and enjoyed Outdoor life so very much. I will not be a subscriber for the digital version, only the hard copy. I do hope that the new owners will reconsider the hard copy.

  5. kris roman on

    people wonder how disease gets spread ,while everyones carrying around their toilet/ magazine phones! I know some people don’t believe it but some places there is no signal nor do I want one of those gianormous towers in my yard or view

  6. Walter Bell on

    Done with Field and Stream and Outdoor Life. I looked so forward to the magazines. I have to deal with digital with almost everything now in my daily life and my magazines were one thing I didn’t need a password for. I am so disappointed. The articles were not the only thing that made the magazine, but the pictures and advertisements were also part of the enjoyment. Now I have to print out any pictures or stories I want to share. Back to my computer. UGGGGGH! Just want to read a magazine.

  7. Joshua T. Sharp on

    I’m with Walter Bell on this one. Outdoor Life and Field & Stream are iconic and have been special to me, since my childhood and it has always been a dream of mine to write for them one day. The last thing I need is another reason to have an electronic device open in front of my face. I can no longer carry these stories into the backcountry with me or read them by the dim candlelight at camp or while soaking up the sun or under a shade tree along a remote piece of water. It’s unfortunate that all good things must come to an end, just never thought I’d see the day nostalgia died with two of the most nostalgic prints of the past century and I’m only 36 years old. Rest In Peace and may somebody have the good sense to revive these beloved outdoor publications, full of invaluable information and brought us stories from writers like; Zane Grey, Robert Ruark, Ted Trueblood, Jack O’Conner, Jim Carmichael, Pat McManus, and countless others that sparked so many dreams!

  8. What a loss to American Sports People … my wife is also a reader. I have been with Field and Stream 50+ years . I’ll try to find a print replacement , OUTDOORLIFE which I also have subscription has joined the the digital method too. I have called F&S customer service and requested a refund for my remaining subscription All I can say in closing is the new owners “Camdemnedia” will drive 2 good magazines into the Ditch , with advertisers fleeing in mass Exodus .

  9. Steve Hamilton on

    I have been getting Outdoor Life since 1963 and have saved all of them. I do not have a smart phone and do not like to read mags on my computer. I can’t take that with me to my hunting blinds or on the trips I take. I just called and complained and they are sending me a refund for my remaining subscription. This is just sad!

  10. Sandi Eacker on

    I am sorry to see these magazines go all digital. For my husband who does not do digital anything it means he will not be reading your magazine or subscribing to digital. I guess you just made money off of us.

  11. Carolyn Scobie on

    Just here to echo the sentiments of others. The announcement on a post card “Your Field & Stream subscription is now all digital!” brought me a deep sadness. I find no pleasure in reading anything in a digital format, even when the writers are excellent. I have opened my Field &Stream to the back page first for so many years, just to read the latest musings of Bill Heavey. I will miss him as if I’ve lost a friend. Good luck to him, T, Edward Nickens, David E. Petzal and all the wonderful contributers of Field & Stream. I’m a 1956 vintage, and have been reading Outdoor Life and F&S since I could swipe ’em from my Grandpa. Time to grab a book instead.

    • Marshall Dellinger on

      Open up the Cover to Cover archives again. The greatest read ever. Outdoor Life was where everyone found out what was new in the shooting , fishing, and camping world.

    • Neil Jones on

      Also born in’56, as a 14-year old, I took a 4:30am paper route just so I could subscribe to Outdoor Life and/or Field and Stream. I’ve stayed with Field and Stream only these last twenty five years, for all the reasons others have already posted, but will now say “goodbye” after 50 years. I will return when I can once again hold a rolled-up passport to God’s wild creation in my hand, wherever I happen to be. -N. Jones

  12. Like several of the readers above, I won’t be going digital. I stare enough at computer screens each day already, don’t need more time in front of the monitor. Been reading Outdoor Life (and occasionally F&S, though never a subscriber) for about 45 years, enjoyed many good stories and features. I suppose it was inevitable, but still sad and disappointing nonetheless. Thanks for the memories.

  13. Bill Konopacki on

    When I was a kid in the 70’s I would borrow my dad’s copies of both Outdoor Life and Field and Stream. I learned many things about hunting and fishing that my dad had over looked to teach me. Will this new digital format help to bring young hunters and fisherman into the fold? I doubt it because they will be on snap chat or face time. What a sad waste to see the hard copies go. Just another reason why there are less young people involved in the sport. Thank god I can still get Peterson’s Hunting and RMEF magazines. I highly recommend both!! I too wanted to someday write an article in a hunting mag…retirement will someday make that happen and I will do it local here in Wisconsin.

  14. John Scheels on

    Does anyone know how we receive a reimbursement for remaining years? I was less than 1 year into my 4 year prepaid subscription when the magazines stopped coming. I didn’t know why until a few minutes ago.

  15. Jeff Terrill on

    GONE DIGITAL? These new guys must be crazy!
    And no advance notice to long-time subscribers.
    I can’t even get in their system, as the log in page won’t accept my email or “Subscriber Number” that’s on my post card. Instead, their Chat line routed me to a subscription help outfit that changes $553 per year!
    Simply a terrible business decision (that I hope they regret) and horrible customer service afterwards.

  16. I used to walk to the back of my acreage, sit by my pond and read Field & Stream, kinda hard to do that when there’s no internet back there. And no, I’m not gonna hotspot just so I can read – there’s a romance to a magazine and digital takes that away……….

  17. david wilson on

    received absolutely no notice that my printed magazines were to be discontinued. severly disappointed can no longer hold printed matter in my hands. digital too difficult to use. not the same connection. companies like this should just close up shop and leave the real world alone. wondered where my magazines were. found this by accident.

  18. Paul Nathe on

    At 74 I still believe that my parents single best parenting move was to get me subscriptions to F&S, Outdoor Life and, back then, Sports Afield for my 8th birthday. I read them cover to cover, and learned so much while reading some of the greatest literature written for ordinary people. Clear, interesting, not overly long, and illustrated. Fred Bear and Jack O’Conner especially gave me the knowledge I needed to enjoy years of my life in the woods. What a tragic end.

  19. Just another attempt to limit one’s exposure to the outdoor sports with the end result of eventually removing our second amendment rights. Maybe the attorney general should look into this companys practice of not providing what the customer has already paid for in good faith.

  20. Jacob Marshall on

    Upset but no surprised. Media companies have lost touch with what the consumer wants. I’m 24 years old and still love the feeling of a book and magazine in my hands. I only started picking up and subscribing to this magazine a few years ago, but really enjoyed reading Field and Stream and looked forward to receiving my issue. I will not be a subscriber again unless I see print availability back.

  21. Greg Harrod on

    I’ve been a steady reader of Field & Stream since 1953. I looked forward to its arrival every month, but now that it’s gone over to the ‘dark side’ and gone digital, I mourn it’s passing as I would that of an old and dear friend. Digital publications leave me cold.

  22. Paul r kinchington on

    Regretfully I’m no longer a customer. Field and stream digital is a pain to gain fast access and I need something physical for a quick read in the bathroom or before going to bed. Sad event of the times.

  23. I have to agree with every comment above, this is sad, that we cannot have something as simple as a magazine to hold in our hands to read. I work on a computer everyday and the first thing I do NOT want to do is go home and jump on another just to read something, it is absolutely pathetic how things are getting in this world. I am not looking forward to the future with technology.

  24. Giuseppe Sohn on

    Definitely lost my subscriptions to both. I will not pay to read something that I need to drag my computer around to read! A very sad day. I have been reading both magazines for more than 50 years! A sign of the times, I guess. Way to sell out your subscribers. Thanks, but no Thanks it was great while it lasted.

  25. frank amsdeo on

    really disappointed I really do not want to use the computer to read these magazines
    the other magazines are junk
    sorry to hear of the decision !!!

  26. I used to be an avid reader and a subscriber in the 90’s. Just recently I have gained an interest in collecting guns and hunting again and wanting to read Field and Stream again. After finding out it was digital only I decided not to subscribe. I guess they have jumped on the bandwagon with everyone else trying to save a dollar. It’s understandable. But there’s something nostalgic about holding the magazine. I won’t be subscribing though.

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