Silver Bullet Beatis

2021 Flies / Innovative Proven Signature Patters
This year we have released 47 New Patterns that either float better, sink faster, swim better, move more, or just have that “it” factor to them. From beautiful dry flies like the Fat Angie that can hold up 9 tungsten beads, to our selection of Team USA Euro Nymphs, we continue to drive what’s next in the fly world. Watch the video to see all the new patterns in the round.
Team USA Euro Nymphs
Silver Bullet Beatis
Designed by Signature Tyer
Lance Egan
The Silver Bullet Baetis is a sleek, fast sinking pattern perfect for hanging below a bushy dry, or on a nymph rig. This simple fly is durable, has a great silhouette, and is relatively drab in color, other than the silver bead. This pattern was designed to complement the Iron Lotus, in that the Silver Bullet Baetis is truer to the coloration of aquatic insects. I use it most in situations where picky fish prefer a fly without a hotspot. The Silver Bullet Baetis is a proven fish catching pattern that will fill a niche in your fly bins and your customers fly boxes.
Sizes available 14-18