Tasmania Needs Our Help


Proposed wind farm will impact iconic Penstock Lagoon

Tasmania may seem a world apart, but the fly-fishing community shares a common bond of caring for wild and scenic places—especially those with special value to angling.

Right now, a Korean company is planning on building an industrial sized wind farm in the center of Tasmania very close to Penstock Lagoon, one of the world’s iconic shallow water fly fisheries. Local legend Malcolm Crosse explains it this way: “Whilst I am in favor of alternative energy, this inappropriately proposed wind farm is going to impact on our social license , scenic values, wildlife, ambiance and along with other memories we hold dear to this special part of the world the like of which are fast disappearing.”

A dedicated group www.noturbineactiongroup.org is challenging this proposal and the link will give you all the details. The group must raise funds for specialist’s reports, lawyers, etc., so they are asking for international support by the way of this a raffle.

What can you do?  1) BUY A TICKET (or many).  Show other anglers around the world that you care about their wild places, just as you would have them care about yours. (See Bristol Bay… the Everglades…).  2) Spread the word… let your audiences know. 3) Go fish Tasmania someday.  It’s one of the most amazing trout fisheries on the planet.

Help move this wind farm development l to a more suitable place which would not impact Tasmanian high country heritage and way of life!


1 Comment

  1. This is textbook NIMBY with a healthy dose of xenophobia (is it relevant that the company is Korean?) and revisionist history (Tasmanian heritage? Maybe look in to the history of the Palawa people before making such a claim). The fish ain’t even native…

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