Browsing: Trend Data

From Southwick Associates: 2021 continued to challenge outdoor businesses with various demand and supply-side issues. To help businesses understand the…

As we look forward to the “Opening” of trout fishing seasons in many places in the weeks ahead, we wonder……

I went down to the local river the other day and noticed a fair number of anglers on the water. …

Some of the best measures of a healthy fishery (hopefully) fly all around us—the insects that fish eat! In some…

By Kirk Deeter Today is December 1. The high temperature in Denver will be 70 degrees. Unusually warm weather—well beyond…

Help us out, please. We’re thinking about running a simple boat listing section—a virtual brokerage of sorts where people can…

From Southwick Associates: We all know fishing participation skyrocketed in 2020. But what has happened so far in 2021? According…

Absurd boat ramp traffic jams… plummeting fish-per-mile counts on fabled rivers… absentee owners blowing up the real estate market… recurring…