After a thorough search process involving over 60 potential candidates, the American Fly Fishing Trade Association has found its man:…
Author Angling Trade
AFFTA Hires New President, Will Relocate HQ to Colorado
Sports Anglers Urged to Release Wild Summer Chinook in Joint State Waters
Columbia River sports anglers are called on to voluntarily release wild summer Chinook, in spite of an ill-conceived and angler…
Hell’s Bay Acquires Gordon Boatworks
Tom Gordon returns home to Hell’s Bay to combine efforts Hell’s Bay Boatworks is bringing back veteran fishing boat builder…
Is Warmwater the Saving Grace?
Apparently world-traveling television host and mako shark guide Conway Bowman is getting his kicks lately at a red-hot carp fishery…
The Death of Travel… or Not
Given high gas prices and the overall economic pinch in America, on might suspect a real squeeze on destination flyfishing. …
What are the Flyfishing capitals of America and why?
Kirk posed the question over on and Field and Stream for the consumer vibe on “The Best Fishing Cities”…