Members and Friends,
First off- Happy New Year! USAC has been gearing up for the 2022 Utah Legislative Session and we are pleased to announce that, through the hard work and sponsorship of Rep. Timothy D. Hawkes (R-Centerville), we have a navigable waters bill that we enthusiastically support.
House Bill 129 (a.k.a. H.B. 129) requires the State to determine whether a river is navigable where it flows through private lands, if requested to do so by members of the public. As everyone painfully knows, navigable rivers are the only ones we clearly have access to under the Public Waters Access Act of 2010. And right now, the only way to know whether a river is navigable is to spend many years and hundreds of thousands of dollars in court, as USAC successfully did on the Upper Weber River. H.B. 129 will make it much easier, cheaper and faster to get navigability determinations and will help break the present stalemate that is keeping the public from recreating on rivers to which we should lawfully have access.
For more information on the bill, how to help, regarding talking points, etc click here