Illustration by Paul Puckett
Thanks to the many of you who wrote in with positive feedback on the “Elephant Hunting” piece we ran in the last issue of Angling Trade. We must have touched a few nerves.
Most of the feedback (60 percent) came from guides, asking us to really press on this issue of guide standards in the fly business. For example:
I wanted to commend you for a very well written article in the Show issue, “Elephant Hunting”. I think the whole article was great and should make people think, but I particularly liked your talk about the guides. I’ve personally had a similar stance myself. In fact, one of the reasons I don’t guide much any more is because of the lack of guide training I see. In twenty years of guiding, I’ve never been given a “guide training.” Sure, I’ve had a few meetings and cpr classes, but no on the water experiences organized by any of the operations I have guided for. I had to learn on my own, get in trouble with the shop and senior guides, and miss opportunities simply to learn the hard way. Do you think this inspires bad attitude and a lack of respect? You bet it does. We are all speaking out about the Bahamas and the initiatives they are looking to put into place, but they are looking to standardize the guides and that is way ahead of what we do (of course they have other problems with the proposition).
Trust us… we’re on it. But we’d like to hear more from you. Your opinions are what matter most, not ours. If you have something to say on this, or any other topic, write us at [email protected]. Thank you.
1 Comment
almost every guide I’ve met or fished with has for the most part personality ,talent in one or more aspects of his or her trade, the ability to inspire and direct the learning experience in a positive and pleasing manor, as a guide I’ve had sports that have had the most fabulous of days ,big fish ,many fish ,some have had better days than I have ever experienced ,never to be seen or heard from again, then there are my -regulars who flog with me thru thick and thin ,,the fishless days ,, the more fish ive seen in a day days,,,,and like today engine breakdowns whom then say its part of fishing ,, get your boat fixed and we will try another day ,,, yes ,learning the hard way is what makes this life some what more interesting than the easy way ,,maybe im just a pine apple but I kind of enjoy the tempering I get when things don’t go right ,, I will know better next time ..it makes us who we truly are ,like me or not ,,I’ve tried my best ,and that’s ok with me ,,,,some things you have to find out for your self and can never be taught , sorry for the ramble all the best,,,,, b