Angling Trade Amping Up in 2014


fishBe sure to keep tuned into Angling Trade as the 2014 fly-fishing business year unfolds:  We’re planning our normal slate of four quarterly print issues, as well as 12 monthly E-newsletters, and special dispatches from the IFTD/ICAST and OR trade shows.  In fact, for this year, we’re going to add a video product component that features the best new product highlights for anyone in the industry to watch. Before and after the show…

Key topics we’ll be covering in the year ahead:  Taxes… Made in America… Fiberglass… “Other” Species… “Other Sports” as Retail Role Models (Or Not)… Marketing to Women… Finding Generation Next… and the Role of Guides as Gatekeepers, among others.

We’re going to break the big news as it happens, provide the most detailed commentary and analysis, offer the microphone for industry pros to express their opinions, profile the movers and shakers, and follow all the important environmental news… just like we have done for 26 issues!

As the only trade magazine specifically focused on the business side of fly fishing in North America, we also want to hear your thoughts on stories you’d like to read.  Contact us anytime at [email protected], and we’ll listen.

Thank you for your support.  Thanks for making 2013 our best year yet.  We expect big news and interesting happenings in 2014, and we wish you all the best for a productive and prosperous New Year.

For all dates of publication, ad rates, and specs click here for more information. March issue dates are fast approaching…

REMINDER: If your company has new product information before the show be sure to share as we’ll be doing updates pre-show via Angling Trade and through our consumer gear partner


Tim Romano
Managing Editor
303.495.3967 p
303.495.2454 f
[email protected]


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