From TU:
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Trout Unlimited announced today a new partnership with Patagonia Sur, a private enterprise that works to acquire and protect precious and irreplaceable fish and wildlife habitat in Chilean Patagonia. The partnership will provide incredible fishing opportunities in Patagonia for TU members while also allowing members to know that their investment in angling will go to protect critical fishing habitat in Patagonia and mitigate carbon emissions through replanting degraded forests.
Patagonia Sur’s investors include individuals from the United States, Chile and elsewhere who recognize the importance of intact habitat when it comes to sporting opportunity, environmental health and the intrinsic economic value of quality, undisturbed land. Patagonia Sur derives revenue from membership-based eco-tourism, limited and ecologically appropriate development in highly-prized locations, ecologically friendly aquaculture and agriculture, carbon sequestration and the sale of carbon offsets.
As part of the partnership, TU members will be able to experience Patagonia Sur’s services, including access to members-only accommodations and a host of outdoor activities Chilean Patagonia is known for, including its world-class fly fishing. TU, through Patagonia Sur’s Reforestation and Biodiversity Project, will plant the “Trout Unlimited Forest” in Patagonia on lands that are presently degraded. Trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help fight the impacts of a changing climate worldwide.
“This is a partnership we’re very proud of,” said Dietmar Grimm, TU’s vice president of marketing and strategy. “It allows our members to combine their passion for fishing and conservation through the opportunity to visit Patagonia Sur’s reserve while helping TU and its members limit their carbon footprint. Chilean Patagonia is one of the world’s last, best destinations for fly fishing, and it’s in our interest to work with organizations like Patagonia Sur to ensure it remains intact for generations to come.”
“Patagonia Sur is honored to be collaborating with Trout Unlimited,” said Henry Tepper, Patagonia Sur’s chief conservation officer. “TU is one of the pre-eminent conservation organizations in the world committed to protecting streams and rivers for anglers. We look forward to welcoming TU members to fish Patagonia Sur’s beautiful properties in Chile, and we’re grateful to the organization for its support of the long-term protection of this magnificent part of the world.”
For more details on this partnership, visit
Trout Unlimited is a non-profit organization with more than 147,000 members dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. Follow TU on Facebook on Twitter via @TroutUnlimited.