Poll Shows Most Alaskans Oppose Proposed Pebble Mine Project


A clear majority of Alaskans (54 percent) opposes the proposed Pebble Mine project, with fewer than one in three (32 percent) supporting it, according to a recent statewide survey conducted for Bristol Bay Native Corporation.  

“Although voters and BBNC support responsible development, our poll clearly shows that the proposed Pebble Mine project is unacceptable for a clear majority of Alaskans in virtually every demographic, across all regions of the state,” said BBNC President and CEO Jason Metrokin.

In fact, the proposed Pebble Mine project was rated most negatively of any industry or project presented. By contrast, two-thirds or more of the voters surveyed rated other industries and development projects favorably—from fishing to oil development to the Alaska gas pipeline.

Survey results also showed that those with unfavorable opinions of the proposed Pebble Mine project were far more likely to have strong feelings than those favoring the project.  Survey results also showed those expressing a “very unfavorable” opinion (37%) significantly outnumbered those with a “very favorable” opinion (14%). In other words, those voters most strongly against the proposed project outnumbered its strongest supporters by a margin of more than two-and-a-half to one.

BBNC commissioned Strategies 360 Polling and Market Research to conduct the telephone survey of 802 Alaskan voters from October 14 through 16, 2011. Fifty-four percent expressed unfavorable opinions of the project, compared to only 32 percent favorable.

Attached is a memo from Strategies 360 with the survey’s “topline results” along with the questions as they were asked.


About BBNC: BBNC is one of 13 Regional Corporations formed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971, serving more than 9,000 Eskimo, Aleut, and Athabascan shareholders with ancestral ties to the Bristol Bay region. Our mission is “Enriching our Native way of life.” BBNC supports responsible resource development, defined as development that is fiscally, environmentally and socially sustainable, serving the long-term interests of our people, our region and our businesses.

Jason Metrokin, President & CEO  
(907) 278-3602 // [email protected]


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