Future Fisherman Foundation Looking for Photos


From the Future Fisherman Foundation:

The Future Fisherman Foundation has a huge need for photos showing children fishing alone, with friends or with adults. These would be used in publications such as our newletter, website and promotional brochures. They would, of course, need to show children fishing safely, wearing lifejackets where appropriate. Other than that, we would welcome any type of photo that depicts kids fishing in a fun, safe atmosphere, freshwater or saltwater.

If you have a photo or photos you would like to send for this purpose, please send to executive director Keith Sutton at [email protected], along with a note stating F3 has your permission to use the photo(s) for this purpose. We’ll keep your images on file and use them as a need arises, and will remove them from our file at any time you request.

We are very grateful for any assistance you can provide and thank you for your continuing support of the Future Fisherman Foundation and its important youth education programs.

Keith Sutton,
Executive Director
[email protected]
Phone: 703-402-3623
Fax: 1-866-361-6012


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